So I'm a little late with January Randoms, given that it's now the end of February but things have been so insanely busy here that I feel I haven't had a moment to just sit down and blog. I finally have a spare minute so I figured it would be a good use of my time to get a little caught up on the blog.
Kate loves dolls and she has to have all her "babies" in the crib with her. She's running out of room in here and I don't know how I feel about it. We plan to get her in a big girl bed soon but she's my baby and we have no rush to get her out of the crib, other than she's out growing it. So for now she stays.
We were baking one day. June and I got into a little bit of a flour fight. She said it was the best thing ever. Sure was until I was the one cleaning up all the flour. haha. No it was worth it. We both had a pretty good laugh over it all.
The crew helping us bake.
If you can't tell here, which you can't, it's actually snowing. It snowed for about one minute but we all made it outside to play in the flurries. It was all the snow we saw this year.
I don't even have anything to say other than I love her dearly.
June loves doing yoga pictures with me.
We have been having the warmest and coldest weather. It has been a bizarre winter, but on the nice days we try to make it to the parks and play all afternoon. Dan was home with us and we had such a fun time playing at the park.
Ranger turned 8 this year! I can't believe we have had him for eight years!! June got all excited because she thought now that he is eight he gets to be baptized. Haha it was cute.
We (and I mean the kids) love these little Orbie beads. I HATE the cleanup of them but we found a happy compromise if they play with them in the bathtub then it's easier to clean them up! So all parties are happy.
Kate turned two which means we got to turn her around. We moved her to the other side of the car so I could see her and boy oh boy was she excited about it. She begs for my attention all the time now! And I mean ALL. THE. TIME. She is such a little chatter box and loves to sing too. So it's been fun having her face forward with us all.
I wanted to see if I could carry the whole family on my back. I could and it was awesome.
One afternoon we were all upstairs playing Mario and June was downstairs getting a snack, We then all asked her to bring us a snack and my laptop. She did it all. It was funny watching her bring it all up! She's growing up so much.
So I have been getting heartburn like crazy lately, I swear it's old age. And I was laughing how I had to run and grab my antacids quickly because I didn't want to miss the beginning part of the news. I love watching the news at night. I'm old and I like it.
In my eyes he's perfection!
I came out from the bedroom one day to find Kate with the iPad and the pack of Oreos. She's sneaky and I love her so so much.
One of those warm days. We try to take advantage of the warmth.
On instagram I hosted my very first yoga challenge. It was a lot of fun and I have loved working with these ladies and getting to know them better. It's much more work than I expected being a host but we loved it and I'm currently hosting my 2nd one.
That is it! Yay for January! It was busy and life is not slowing down any. It's good. All of it is good. It's just overwhelming at times with how much is all happening all at the same time.
More to come!