Monday, July 20, 2020

Broken Bow

This trip happened on a whim. During quarantine I was so desperate to get out. To get out of the house, out of Roanoke, out of the State of Texas. So Broken Bow was our best option of escape. Somewhere close and some where that we could just be. It ended up being an amazing trip!

Two other families came with us (From the Fab Five) and we had the best time. We always have the best time with these people. 

The kids loved the ground that the cabin was on. They kept making all these little fairy gardens. 

 We really just wanted a super chill trip so we spent the majority of our time at the cabin but the woods surrounding us was awesome so we didn't;t mind and the kids loved it as well. 

We don't even know how the kids all ended up sleeping. They were switching beds left and right but they always woke up happy and they had fun all sleeping in the bunk room. 

Kate loved hiking in the woods 

 Hanging out by the fire one day with my little bestie 

Kate loves pictures. Especially of herself and the peace sign is her go to for all the pictures. Haha 

Christine got all the kids these amazing little adventure packs and they loved having them on all the time.

One day it was warm enough to go hit the reservoir. Kate was ready for a nap!

All the kids laying out on the warm rocks 

Boys and their matching shirts. These tanks were actually their beach shirts from last summer. 

My little Yogi 

We hiked the tree trail and it was a lot of fun. The kids hiked the entire trail in the water. It took FOREVER but they were having a blast so we didn't want to stop them. We actually didn't even finish the whole trail because it took us too long. Haha 

Games galore 

Dance parties for the adults! 

We did bring Range this go around simple because of COVID. The Vet's office had super strict rules and we thought it would be best to just let him come along. He did great! 

My handsome little boy! Gosh I love him! 

 Our house had a hot tub so we spent many hours playing in there

We feel these two will be getting married someday because they are thick as thieves. They love being together. 

We were laughing so hard at the size of the hot tub for us adults! It was small and somehow we managed to fit all of us in there. It was a good time with lots of laughs. 

I think of all our group pictures this one was my favorite. Just all the randoms. It was great. This is us. We are so comfortable around each other and love each other dearly. 

We zonked out Owen on the way home! It rarely happens! So it means it was a huge successful trip! 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

April Randoms

One day, Dan went on a hunt for hand sanitizer. At the time it was IMPOSSIBLE to find any, but he didn't want to come home empty handed, so the sweet man bought this ghetto nasty soap from the dollar store that smelled so florally and awful but we used that soap to the very last drop. Hahaha it gave us a good laugh every time we used it! 

One afternoon we were sick of being home so we took a drive to go dig for fossils. We always have fun doing this and it felt good to get out of the house during lockdown. 

Dan and I having some fun with yoga one boring afternoon 

One night sitting on our pack patio waiting on friends to arrive. They take walks back behind our house and we are always waiting for them. This particular night we sent them this photo wondering where they were. 

My sweet sassy little Kate. Oh how she is handful and RULES this house. I honestly have never met such a strong willed child like her before. I pray it eases as she goes on with life. 

Just another random night of walking our neighborhood with friends. 

One afternoon some girlfriends and I were joking of our lives and what we were doing. I sent them this picture of the constant folding of laundry. They were all doing the same thing! hahaha it was funny. 

One of our many Zoom meetings with my family 

One random day getting out of the house and getting slurpies. 

Kate asked me one day if I could take a picture of her and her teddy in our bed. The girl loves the camera and is always asking or pretending to get her picture taken. 

Spending time outside enjoying the warm weather 

Volcano Zoom meetings 

One Saturday we had had enough of COVID and its lame restrictions so we drove down Fort Worth and spent the entire day enjoying the sun. We played in the water falls, we walked we fed animals and we just loved being together as a family. It was a perfect day! 

Easter came upon us quick and with COVID we sort of lost track of all our regular festivities. But we scrambled together and made an awesome egg hunt for the kids and did our usual celebrating. 

YUP! I even made us dress up and take an Easter Picture! 

The kids got kites in their Easter Baskets and it's pretty much what we did for the rest of the day!

Many walks spent outside with daddy home 

We saw this little bird mama and heard her little chirping birds inside this built nest. 

During our awesome quarantine I kept getting really bored. So i crocheted a giant blanket. 

Little Ranger 

My sweet Owen. His laughter is so contagious. 

With all our gyms closed my workouts continued from home. It was always fun having these little people to constantly interrupt me. Hahaha 

April means new flowers and getting more green around the house and outside the house. I always love this time of year and to fill my home with so much lush makes me really happy!

One of our come follow me lessons included King Benjamin so we made crowns and we were kings for a day. 

Not even COVID will stop Dan from getting his blizzard of the month! 

One night out friend stocking! 

I really liked this meme! These have been amazing through all of this COVID mess!

One of Owen's school assignments was take a picture of him reading to others. We had little friends over that day so Owen got to read to them. 

A lot of water balloon action at our house

Kate always loves her selfies 

Celebrating Melissa's birthday COVID style! We couldn't go out but we still love to make each other feel special! 

And there we have the end of April!