Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Owen at 2 Months

Dear Owen,
      Today is Christmas Eve, and I am so happy that you are here to celebrate Christmas with us. I simply just love you. I can't help but kiss those chubby cheeks and rolls on your legs. You melt mama's heart.
  At two months old you are growing, growing and growing! I just can't believe how big you are for a two month old. People are always a little shocked when they find out you are only 2 months old. You definitiely are my snuggle baby. You would rather be held than sit in your bouncer, but you do Love your bouncer too. The swing has been taken down because you just don't like it. You sleep so great when you are sitting up, like in your bouncer for instance. You sleep for a good 5 hours if you are in your bouncer, but I really don't want to start that habit, so I try to lay you down, and you sleep between 3 to 4 hours.
     You are a very happy baby and are showing that smile more and more. Mommy can make you smile instantly, and you are starting to jibber and jabber. I love hearing you tell your stories. I could listen to it all day long. You are still hating pacifiers and you only take a bottle if you are absolutely starving and have no other choice. So, really you don't take a bottle very often. We are hoping that you take a better liking to a bottle as you get older, so that mommy and daddy can have a bit of a break every once in a while, but for now we love hanging out with you, and we really don't mind you tagging a long.
    We can't leave the room without you giving a little squeal. You don't like to be left alone in a room. We can't walk away for too long without you giving us a scream letting us know you are in a different room and would prefer to be with us. I am getting really good carrying you in your bouncer from room to room.
    As of right now we call you, O.D. and Otis. I have no idea where "Otis" came from, but I keep calling you it and well, I kinda like it. Let's hope these little nick names stick!
    Owen, we sure to love you very much and we cannot believe how grateful we are that you are in our lives. You fit so well into our family and we can't imagine you not being in it!!
Happy 2 months little Owen.
   Love, Mom

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