Friday, October 9, 2009

We dehydrate things!

Turns out dehydrating foods is the best most entertaining thing! One Sunday Dan and I are sitting in sacrament, ya know just chillin, and we look over and a little girl had a fruit leather. Dan turns to me and says that looks really good. We both instantly thought well lets get a dehydrator. I mean why not buy our own fruit, blend it and make a huge mess and sit and wait for 4 days to get fruit leather instead of walking down the street and get a box for $3.00. Oh no, here, us Lancaster's do it the cool way, and that's the dehydration way. we can make our own fruit leather. so we buy a dehydrator. BEST THING EVER. We have so much fun dehydrating foods. So far everything has turned out. Its great too because we get to add things to our food storage.
The dehydrator has the most soothing sound, practically saying "Everything is going to be ok once you have some of my delicious dried Cinnamon apples in you". I really think electronics and I have a connection. Dan made Terriyaki jerky and it was way good. Heck with the store brand our jerky frikin rocks!


Colby and Samantha said...

Told you dehydrating is the best! and I love making my own fruit roll ups haha they taste much better than anything you buy at the store.

Meg said...

Pictures??? Or I don't believe you!