Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What the? Snow? in Texas?

I know I am new to Texas and everything, I mean we have only lived her for the past 7 months, but all my life I was taught that Texas was very warm, even in the winter! Well I was taught wrong. The weather here in Waco is just as crazy as in Rexburg. Sunday was absolutely beautiful. It was warm the sun was shining. It is now Tuesday and this is what we woke up to this morning......

Yep full on snow storm! It has snowed here before but just flurry's every once in while, nothing like this. I literally could have taken this picture in Idaho and no one would have noticed the difference. I was excited! I love the snow. What I think is funny, is that its this white fluffy beautiful snow, and Texans are freaking out. Schools are closed. Work was cancelled and they are driving super slow. THE ROADS ARE JUST WET. and there is hardly any snow on the ground. Its not even windy! Its great it makes me laugh. From what we have been told this is totally abnormal, it hasn't been like this for almost 20 years! I am glad we moved here when we did ha ha. Texas must have known that I was missing snow, and gave me my wish, But I am definitely ready for it to warm up, which I am sure it will tomorrow.
Anyways I just wanted to share a little of Texas life.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

V-V-V-Valentines Day!

Valentines day, like all Valentines day was great! Dan and I especially love Valentines day because 3 years ago on Valentines day was our first date, first hand hold, and first kiss. Ya we didn't waste much time. 2010 was simple and fun. We had dinner Saturday night, nothing really fancy, well really not fancy at all we went to a pizza parlor, but its one of our favorite places here so it was really fun!
Then Sunday, we went to church, came home, and had a little romantic dinner at our own home. I decorated the table and made Dan a roast w/mashed potatoes dinner. Its One of Dans ultimate favorite meals. We had an enjoyable day.
Dan seriously is the best. Here is why.. He hands me my valentines gift. I unwrap it and.... let me tell you first that I have been wanting to go get some crayons and a coloring book for a while but just never did. so my Valentines gift was crayons and not just a regular coloring book, heavens no, thats to boring for Dan. He goes and MAKES ME A COLORING BOOK! He inverted some of our pictures together and made me my very own "LANCASTER" Coloring book! It seriously was one of the best gifts I have ever gotten.

Our Valentines day Table

My Ultimate sweet, Wicked Awesome, Coloring book and Crayons


Friday, February 5, 2010

Don't Put it in the Dishwasher

I usually am pretty good about what goes into my dishwasher, ya know nice knives specific plastic containers and so on are not allowed in there. So I loaded the dishwasher with the dishes, started it, and then later started to unload it. Low and behold I pull out two plastic water bottles that were clean and ready for use again, I reach for the 3rd one and this is what I get......

Other two water bottles great, this one just didn't make it. Now this isn't even the best part. I am on Skype chatting with Megan my sister and I show her what happened and she laughed, and said "Does the Lid still fit?' I go "Meg have you seen it? It won't even stand on the bottom, it has to balance on the top! why would I even care if the lid fits, I'm not using it again" She laughs and goes well I would still use it!
Really Megan? you would use a $3.00 melted water bottle instead of just going to Walmart and getting another one? Ya Megan you are weird.
So please be careful what you put in your dishwasher.