I'm a bit behind! The days just seem to fly by and we are in full summer mode here at the Lancaster house, so it's been hard to find time to just sit and blog. I can't get too behind though because too much is happening that I want to write about.
Memorial weekend.
Dan had Friday off, which was super awesome and we wanted to take full advantage of having daddy home for such a long weekend. So Thursday night we went out for a date and then Friday morning we woke up and drove to Fossil Rim. It's about an hour and a half drive. The kids played and Dan and I talked. It was great.
Fossil Rim is this place, kind of in the middle of nowhere. It's where all these different animals roam free and you can feed them. It was so much fun!
We had the kids up front with us and they were loving being able to drive the car.
We fed all sorts of animals
The animals knew you were coming with food so they came right up into your car. It scared us most of the time, but we had a pretty good laugh about it.
June eventually became confident enough and started feeding the animals. She loved it!
Half way through the drive you stop onto of a hill. They have a little goat petting farm where the kids got to pet and brush the goats.
We then had lunch at their little Cafe.
Then it was back in the car for more feeding!
This reindeer was right up into our business. He stuck his whole entire head into the car. I was mortified but he was loving it. We just kept throwing food at him.
We spent our whole day up there. It was a lot of fun and definitely worth the drive. We headed home and the kids slept the entire way home. We enjoyed the rest of our night at home.
Saturday morning we went to the library and then went to play at the park until it was time for my yoga class.
The kids got a bug catching kit at Fossil Rim, so we spent most of the time at the park looking for bugs. Dan and his super lightening speed, caught a little bee. He was a cute little guy.
Once we got home we headed straight for the pool!
So Owen is still struggling and for those who I have talked to know we are taking things to the next level. I will blog all about this another time. But for now, we had put Owen to bed and he was being so quiet. NOT NORMAL. I checked on the camera and thought he was asleep. Well he wasn't asleep unfortunately but he was being so adorable just reading his book in bed. Oh I love this little soul. A blog post all about this later though.
A lot more swimming and playing!
June did pedicures and manicures on everyone
Memorial Day we woke up (or really were just awake from not falling asleep AT ALL) and had a pretty lazy morning. We played in bed for a bit. I can't express enough how much Owen loves little Kate. He just always wants to be around her!
June thought she was being funny with Kate's headband on her head and asked me to take a picture.
She then struck a pose!
More and more swimming!
We swam to our hearts content! We grilled hamburgers and had fresh summer fruit. It was so good. We indulged! I love grilling and eating outside in our swimsuits. It just screams summer to me! I'm so excited for what these hot months bring!
Memorial weekend was great. It was hard getting back into the swing of things but we loved having daddy home for so long!
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