How in the world is August almost over?? It was a blur month for sure, but we had a good one!
One of our Mall's has a little show each Saturday morning and we just happened to be there, so we stopped and watched the show. June got chosen out of the audience to participate in one of the activities. She got the ring one of the bells.
She seems to not be able to stay on her back now days
Everyday is an adventure with this kid. He makes me laugh every. single. day.
One day some friends and I took the kids to our local water park, Hawaiian Falls. We spent the entire day there and it was so much fun! June LOVED all the water slides
Owen loved splashing in all the little fountains!
June and her little friend Kate
My Kate was my little buddy and didn't make a peep!
My little crew. It's weird when I go to places like this, because even though I love being with my friends, doing activities like this really makes me miss Dan. Also June got stung by a bee. Her first one. Thankfully no allergic reaction.
Kate, taking a nap. Even though it was so so hot, she still has to have her blanket!
Just eating some snacks one day.
More summer days with the sprinkler under the tramp.
June and Dan had a daddy, daughter date. They went and had dinner at Benihana's
June was so excited about it. She made a countdown and talked about it non stop. Then once she actually went to dinner, she could not get over how they cooked dinner in front of her! She still talks about it!
Just watching the Olympics wore us out!
More swimming
One day we were watching the Olympics. We were watching the gymnastics portion and June was mesmerized by them! She said that she wanted to be a gymnast star someday and asked if I could move like they could... No June, I can't even do a straight cartwheel.
I made fun of Dan because he asked me to get the "thin" mint oreos. I couldn't figure out why we just don't get regular oreos. I got them and tried one. OH MY GOSH! Those things are so addictive and DELICIOUS! June and I basically ate the entire package before Dan got home from work. We sent him this picture telling him he better get home quick or else there won't be any left!!
Being little besties
I took the kids to our little local splash park one day. I planned to only be there for about an hour. We ended up being there for almost three hours! The kids had a blast!!
Gymnastics night! Dan took the kids out for blizzards after. They loved it! I loved the quiet!
Anytime these two play happy together is a win.
Silly selfies
I missed my yoga class one day because Owen was vomiting like crazy all over the place. So I did some at home. June grabbed Dan's yoga mat, told me to scoot over, rolled out the mat and started schooling me in Yoga. She is actually pretty good at it!
One day the kids played trick or treat. They made little boxes and would come to me and I would hand out the little letters as candy.
Kate is a chunk. There is no denying it. So how she gets those legs through the bars is beyond me. I have to tug just to get them out!
We went to a birthday party that was Olympic themed. It was very cute and fun!
Everyone was participating in the olympic games and I look over and see Owen and Dan at this far off bench just hanging out. It was pretty cute.
Being awarded the Gold medal. June was Switzerland and Owen was Brazil.
It's a dark picture, but that little lamb doesn't leave her arms at night. I love it, simply because it reminds me that she is still such a little thing who needs her stuffed lamb to help her sleep.
Kate. My little love
More silly selfies
Sunday naps. If you read my blog somewhat often, you know I have shared how much I try to hold Kate more often and sometimes we both just drift off to sleep. We both really love it!
Photo Credit: Dan
We love to play the game Trouble at our house. The kids play but I feel like they like the game mostly to stick the pegs on their fingers.
We are SUPER into making "potions" with a potion kit we got for Christmas. We make things explode all the time and the kids LOVE it!
June and I had our annual school shopping trip. Dinner and lots of clothes shopping. I am so glad that she got my love for shopping. It's so much fun!
We found matching pajamas for June and Kit
Kate loves her food. She also loves playing with her food. Owen had to go potty and I hurried off, leaving Kate alone with a dish full of food.
Our weather has been crazy weird the past couple of weeks. It's been in the 80's and so nice! We get to got to spend time outside without having to be in water!
Kate got her first ride on the swings. She was super hesitant at first but ended up loving it!
Our playground. We go to a lot of playgrounds, but this one is right by our house and we can walk to it. It won't be our park forever and it pulls at my heart strings a bit, but for now we love this little park and lots of happy and sad memories (like June knocking out her tooth) were made here!
One morning June convinced Owen to put on her leotard and to make music for her dance recital. Owen is always wanting June to play with him, so when she wants him to do something, he does it. He beat that little plate with those spoons while she danced.
The best part of mom cleaning the jets in the tub is all the bubbles and mess the kids get to make.
June started her dance class! It is so adorable and I'm so looking forward to this dance season!
Kate is getting so good at her sitting up skills! Her and Owen played with this toy forever! And she just sat there like she was one of the big kids!
Another night found on the floor!
Owen and I had our first school shopping trip. Owen DID NOT inherit the shopping gene and mostly just climbed and played around. We still had fun getting dinner and picking out his lunch box and some clothes. When it came time to try on shoes, he was done.
I don't know how many shopping trips I will get out of him as he grows up, but I sure am gonna try my hardest to keep this little tradition alive!
Thanks August for being so great and low key. So much is about to happen and I hope I can survive it all. But for now I am thankful for the calm. They always say its the calmest before a storm!