Sunday, August 14, 2016


Let's talk Owen. 

It's no secret that this kid has given me a run for my money basically from day one. Our relationship has been a rocky one, and at times so hard, to the point where I sobbed in my room asking "How can I possibly continue to be this kids mother." He has pushed me to the point where I have wondered if I've broke. Where I just can't handle another tantrum, another sleepless night and another yelling session where we both end up in tears. It's been a rough go. Especially bringing Kate into the family. I feel like that's when all hell broke loose and both Owen and I were just out of control. 

This summer has been a HUGE HUGE HUGE (yeah... that huge) improvement for Owen. Physically, emotionally and mentally. I feel like life with Owen is becoming so much more enjoyable. More laughter than tears and we are just much more happy all around. 

A few things about Owen: 

A lot of this has to do with him just getting a little older. He is talking and being able to communicate his feelings more and more. I am learning what he needs, that he is not June and that I need to behave differently with him. I feel so guilty, that for so long, I was forcing my ways on him, making situations all that much worse. I am learning to take much needed steps back and letting him take the lead with things. 

SLEEP: I think the biggest thing that has helped both of us is his sleep.
For those that know, Owen does not sleep. His night time sleeping habits became so out of control that we ended up talking to his doctor about what we should do. After much consideration, she recommended a sleep specialist. We actually never ended up going with a sleep specialist but we did what our doctor recommended. Lock him in his room. That is exactly what we did. Guys, I know, this sounds super cruel and it was extremely difficult to take this measure, but it just got to the point where the kid needed to just stop coming out and learn to stay in his room. We had even tried to take him back to bed every time he came out. At three in the morning he would be asking for breakfast, or to play or tell us he wasn't sleeping, though his eyes were closed and he could barely stay awake. We would put him back to bed over 50 times in one night. It was horrible. 

Then we learned that his restlessness was due to his legs. Either restless leg syndrome or severe growing pains. So when this happens we rub his legs until it calms him down. We also learned that this is hereditary and I had really bad growing pains when I was growing up. I remember my mom having to rub my legs in the middle of the night because they hurt so bad. We think it's tied to that. So it's a work in progress, not perfect, but we are actually getting some sleep around here. 

Owen still wakes up super early. A lot of times around 5:30 or so. He also still doesn't sleep in his bed. He is sleeping all over the place except for his bed. 

Sometimes I will check the camera when I'm feeding Kate and his light will be on and he's out of bed. He's usually asleep in his chair or by the door. 

It makes for days where he randomly climbs into my lap and falls asleep. 

THE POTTY: Owen was potty trained right before Kate was born. Then Kate was born and all went downhill. EVERYONE warned me to not potty train before a baby. Well I had done it with June right before Owen was born and it worked out fine. Owen is not June and it did not work out fine. This caused so many fights between Owen and myself. He just all of the sudden lost interest in using the potty. I HATED the thought of going back to diapers. I knew he could do it, so it was hard. 

After six months we are BACK ON TRACK! Owen is back to being potty trained. We put away all pull ups and everything and just went for it. Undies 100% of the time. Yes there were accidents, but he learned so super fast and now he's in undies even at night. It has been so great!! 

EMOTIONS: He's growing up and communicating so much better. He still throws tantrums, but he at least is able to tell us what he wants and why he is getting so upset. We are learning together what he needs from Dan and I emotionally. It has been a learning experience for sure, but we are getting so much better with controlling tantrums and dealing with our feelings.

He was sitting one night and reading a story to his baby before putting her to bed. It was so adorable. 

Then today. Sunday. It hit me pretty hard that this little boy is growing up. He is so much fun and becoming so funny! The things he says sometimes just kills Dan and I. He loves hiding things behind his back and snuggling. This little boy loves to snuggle. Owen has such a huge heart and it is showing more and more everyday. I love him so much and I am so grateful for this little boy. Oh how I love him so. 

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