Friday, April 30, 2010


Baylor University has a day where school is cancelled, and well basically they just party all day.
They call it Diadeloso or "The Day of the Bear" since the bear is the mascot. (DUH)
The school has food and live music all day, Its great!
Colby Coillate put on a concert that night so we took the opportunity to go and listen to her. I love having Dan at a larger University because they actually have real performers!
We brought Ranger, and he didn't do so well with the loud music so we walked around with him while listening, the music went all through campus. It was so much fun. We met up with some of the Geology girls and just had a good time.

Our Cute Little Family

Stephanie, Me, Mary & Lauren

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww I miss you Pez and your little puppy is so freaking adorable! When are you coming to visit again?