Sunday, September 12, 2010


Ah!! I love 3 day weekends! Its a good time for Dan and I to catch up on things and spending time together. School started back up about 3 weeks ago and Dan has hit the ground running. He is already crazy busy and going to be traveling a lot this semester! I thought I had him back once his internship was over but it looks like I will be a loner once again, but I will survive.

So our weekend was full of awesomeness. Days that I get to just hangout with Dan are always awesome.

Having Monday off was exactly what we needed. We had plans with friends later that day, but we wanted to make sure we took full advantage of every minute.

We have under a year left in Waco, Texas and we decided that we better start taking advantage of our surroundings, so we headed to the Cameron Park zoo! If you look at our previous posts we spend a lot of time at zoos. Dan and I love zoos!

It was surprisingly a nice zoo for being in Waco TX. We had fun taking pictures and looking at animals that we have seen a million and one times, but they never seem to get old. Here are some pictures from the zoo.

Then there is this guy! Yep I have to put a picture of range on here. He felt left out.
Is it creepy how much I love this dog?

1 comment:

Anderson said...

I some how i missed your triathlon post- I am WAY impressed! You look so cute, even at the end! Good luck with Dan being gone a lot again- you are a trooper!