Friday, October 7, 2011

Last Baby Shower and Last Pregnancy update!

The "lasts" have come with this pregnancy. It is so crazy how fast time has gone by. The summer was a huge blur and I don't think time is going to slow down any for a while.

I had my last baby shower up here in Dallas. It was a great chillaxed shower which was perfect! The girls and I had lunch at California Pizza (one of my favorite pizza places) and then did the whole baby shower thing. Ya know the presents, the advice, and party favors. I'm so sad I didn't get a picture of the party favors. They were super cute! (Thanks again girls) It was fun to just sit and chat for a while. It is so nice having friends that have been through the whole baby thing before. I'm sure they get so sick of all my questions, but they always seem to answer with smilies on their faces, so I just keep asking.
The girls and their babies, or bellies. It is so funny this stage of life that we are in. I swear that every girl I know and friends my age either have kids or are pregnant!


I am huge. I feel huge, I look huge, and I eat like I'm huge. I seriously have LOVED being pregnant. To me it has been pretty easy, but I am SO ready to not wear belly bands anymore (even though I have to say how grateful I am to have been able to stay in my regular pants, just unbuttoned, but thats what the belly band is for), to be able to paint my toe nails normally and plus I am beyond ready for this baby girl to get here!!!

  • I am feeling great, spurts of tiredness every once in a while, but feeling good non-the less.
  • Sleeping and getting out of bed has become an olympic sport.
  • My abs are really sore
  • Can't wear my CTR ring anymore, but my wedding ring is still fitting which is good!
  • So far I have gotten 5 stretch marks, Ya I check everyday and I keep count.
  • Still obsessed with eating gummy bears.
  • I have this huge urge to eat cement, like my teeth ache so bad to just chew on a chunk of it.
  • Like I said before, I'm huge.
Not much to report on this little thing since we are near the end but here are the last few things she has been doing.
  • Our little girl is just growing like a weed. It's kind of weird because I am measuring small in my stomach, but she is measuring big. I guess she is all in my back.
  • Her movement has slowed down to where it feels like she is just dragging her body across my stomach.
  • She has dropped and her head is down, so that's a good sign!
  • She has enjoyed using my ribs as a toy.
  • I think she is ready to come out too!
Things We have been thinking about:
  • I am VERY SCARED for labor and delivery. My stomach just gets all tied in knots when thinking about it. (and its all I think about)
  • Dan is beyond excited for this little girl, I asked him to show a little more nervousness just to make me feel better.
  • We are getting the documents ready for her passport, crazy right! That a newborn has to have a passport, but we would like to take her home to Canada with us for Christmas. :)
  • My mom has bought her plane ticket and is ready for the call... Now if I could just make the call.
  • I'm not going overdue. I am an impatient person, and luckily my doctor is on board about not wanting me to go overdue also, so if she doesn't come on her in the next week, I'm MAKING her come out!! (Judge me all you want)
That's it! The last post of pregnancy and the last baby shower! Thanks to everyone who have listened to me ramble on and on about myself and letting me share things that you probably could care less about, but to me its fun!!



Marcy said...

Seriously cement...oh my, that just can't be good for the teeth, lol! Can not wait to see this beautiful little girl of yours. Good luck with the labor, mine was easy and no drugs but that was 30 years ago and I'm pretty sure they didn't offer drugs! Love y'all

Unknown said...

I am so with you on not going over due I fully support that!! You are soooo cute prego and I can't wait to see pics of your sweet baby girl! Labor is no biggy so don't stress and the hospital food is YUMMMY!