This year I decided to do something a little different. Instead of posting everyday what I'm thankful for, I would make a "Thankful Tree". This is not a new idea. In fact in the LDS church, it's common among house holds to have a Thankful tree, I just thought I would add to the hype.
So, our tree. I found a dead branch one morning while out on my run and carried it home with me. I had 2 people come up to me and say: "Ma'am you have a twig attached to your stroller.." Thank you kind people. I am aware that a giant stick is clinging on to my stroller. If I hadn't noticed, I think there might be bigger issues at hand.
I cut out some leaves and we were all set. Dan and I wrote down something everyday that we were thankful for. It had to be something specific about that day... It felt more meaningful. Next year I hope to include on this little thankfulness activity.
Here is what the Lancaster's are thankful for: NOVEMBER 2012
Day 1: Dan. Obviously. He's the coolest person I know.
Day 2: June. Again Obvious. She is my world and continues to be the coolest baby ever
Day 3: Electricity. Our power went out for an hour. I love electricity
Day 4: Parents. I had just received something in the mail from my mom and it made my day
Day 5: Dan's Job. He love's his job, and I'm Thankful that I'm able to stay home and not stress to much about money.... Who am I kidding!! No matter how much money we have I'm sure it will always be a worry!!
Day 6: Food. It makes me fat, yes, but it's so good and I love it so much. So if I'm fat, who cares.
Day 7: Gospel. I could go on forever why I'm Thankful for the Gospel, but to keep it short, It's such a blessing in my life and I'm so grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints..
Day 8: Ranger. Our Puppy drives us crazy! But we love him and how no matter what he loves us.
Day 9: Nap Time. Nap times save my life sometimes. No not for me, for June! Naps in the day are for lazy people, Just kidding...
Day 10: Tooth Brushes. This day was our 5 year anniversary. I like have good clean teeth and fresh breath to kiss Dan and wish him a happy 5 years without smelling like Death. I have really bad breath in the morning.
Day 11: The Rain. It makes things beautiful, it smells clean, and I love cloudy days, where I get to have that cuddly feeling with June
Day 12: A Healthy Body. I really don't get sick, I'm not omega obese, and I don't smoke. I think those qualify as a healthy body. Do I have a belly yes, Do I have love handles? Yes, but well, I feel good and I'm active enough, so that counts.
Day 13: Washer and Dryer. Oh so thankful to be able to throw clothes into a machine that does all the work, and even better After they get washed I just throw them in another machine to dry them. FANTASTIC!
Day 14: Wii Fit. On day's when it's to cold to go for a run with June, I can still get a workout in with Wii fit or biggest loser.
Day 15: Hats and Gloves. Day's that we REALLY need to get out of the house on cold days. Plus it's super cute to get all bundled up!
Day 16: A Comfy bed. This day was CRAZY!! So at the end of a long day, I loved crawling in to bed and passing out. I felt like I had a buzz from the day. I've never drank a day in my life, but I kinda feel like that's what it would be like!
Day 17: Friends. We are so blessed with great friends. When you live farther than a 12 hour car ride from home and go all the time, It's nice to have friends who really become family. Thanks peeps.
Day 18: Church. Sunday's are days we go to church. I love our ward and the amazing people we get to hangout with. Church is a safe place and filled with love. It's something to be very thankful for.
Day 19: Modern Medicine. I broke my toe, and I'm thankful for medication that can keep the medicine at bay. Also allowed me to still walk and go shopping
Day 20: Airplanes. If it weren't for airplanes, my parents wouldn't have been able to come to Thanksgiving at our house.
Day 21: Showers. It makes me smell good, and I can sing in it and it makes me feel like Mariah Carey... No one can ever judge you for singing in the shower.
Day 22: Family. This day was Thanksgiving. I already did Dan, June, and My parents. So this is to my siblings. I'm so grateful for them, and how close we are as a family, even though we all live so far apart from each other.
Day 23: Black Friday. I love this day. It really is so fun, and I love the hustle and bustle. It bugs me a little when people say how awful it is and selfish to go shopping after being so grateful... Well grumpy people, just because we like a good deal, doesn't mean we aren't grateful. You are just jealous because we scored and you are negative people.... (Sorry)
Day 24: Fingers. Oh Fingers. How great you are. We can do so much with them and I'm grateful that I am able to move them and do all sorts of things.
Day 25: Books. It sometimes is nice to just get lost in a book. To realize that you haven't moved from the same spot in an hour, or staying up until 2a.m because it's just so good, and you keep telling yourself "Just one more chapter"
Day 26: Forgiveness. I am so grateful for the atonement and the sacrifice of my Savior, so that I could be forgiven for my short comings. And that Dan is always willing to forgive me and my moodiness.
Day 27: Photos. I really enjoy taking photos. I love having that memory forever! I'm no professional! I just love taking pictures of family, events and really anything! There are very talented photographers out there and I know sometimes they get annoyed that just because people have nice camera's they think they are a photographer.... So I'm not trying to be a pro or anything!! So don't worry all you pro's! No blog start up here.... i just really love pictures!
Day 28: Dental Insurance. Dan had his chip tooth fixed and got a filling. IT WAS FREE!! yay for FREE!
Day 29: Music. There is not a day where music is not in our home. I have music playing ALL THE TIME! I love singing, playing instruments and discovering new bands. Music can suit any mood and make your day better. I love it.
Day 30: LIFE. I am so grateful for the life I have. I'm so blessed with so much love and happiness, that I sometimes worry I am getting to much. Life is good!!
That's all from me!!
(He told me, and I'm Repeating)
Day 1: Lesli. All the things that I do for him, and he gets bored without me.
Day 2: June. These two really are best friends, and she is such a daddy's girl!
Day 3: Ranger. Again, best friends, he snuggles with Dan and is always happy to see him.
Day 4: Our House. It's awesome, and he is fixes things that make it that much more awesome.
Day 5: Christmas. So many fun festivities and lots of candy!
Day 6: Chocolate Milk. "It's so delicious"
Day 7: Baths. He loves being able to still sit down and read the news. It also keeps him warm
Day 8: Warm Weather in November. He hung the Christmas lights, and it was so beautiful outside. It made it very easy to hang the lights!
Day 9: No bed Time. Meaning he can go to bed as early as he wants and no one can judge him for it, because he's an adult
Day 10: The last 1,826 days. This was our Anniversary and this is how many days we have been married. ADORB, so basically he's grateful for our marriage... Good man.
Day 11: Church. He feels like it starts the week off right, and he gets to see friends.
Day 12: Snickers. We have a lot of them left over from Halloween, and he has been really enjoying them. It's a totally legit thing to be Thankful for.
Day 13: D.V.R. How else would we be able to watch our favorite shows whenever we want, and plus no commercials!
Day 14: My Book. He is reading "Red Mars". He love's a good Sci- fi.
Day 15: Not Teaching Gospel Doctrine. He got a calling this day, and he was really worried it was going to be Teaching Gospel Doctrine, but it wasn't and he was really grateful for that!
Day 16: Swimming pool. He loves how fun it is, and he makes for one sexy pool boy!
Day 17: Rabbits in the Morning. We have so many white tailed rabbits in our back alley way and Dan loves seeing them every morning, just hopping around!
Day 18: "The Walking Dead" Our unhealthy T.V. obsession. He has watched the series twice and we are about to hit the mid season finale... he doesn't know what he will do!
Day 19: Chicken Wings: Him and his buddies head over to buffalo wild wings all the time to catch a game and enjoy some wings. It's a total guy thing.
Day 20: Grandma and Grandpa. My parents came this day, and he was grateful to spend time with them and watch them with June.
Day 21: Sports. It's entertaining, and it's fun to actually have teams to cheer for
Day 22: Holiday's. This day was Thanksgiving. He loves not having to be at work, and all the food!!
Day 23: Left Over's. His favorite is a cold Turkey Sandwich and lots of left over pie!
Day 24: Top Golf. Him and his buds hit up top golf quite a bit. It helps him work on his swing and hangout with friends.
Day 25: Brand new baby P.J's. He is so sweet. He loves June in them and loves snuggling with her. Maybe this is why I have an addiction to buying her pajamas.
Day 26: Diapers. He loves that you can just throw them away and not have to deal with the mess. It keeps things confined!
Day 27: Beard Trimmer. His beard keeps him hip. his trimmer keeps it tamed enough to look professional, but also rigid enough to be taken seriously as a geologist.
Day 28: Dentist. He had his tooth fixed and a filler, and they numbed him good! He didn't feel anything and he is grateful for that!
Day 29: Bubble Baths. Him and June have so much fun! The bathroom is always covered in bubbles afterward, but its worth it!
Day 30: Free Breakfast. He gets free breakfast at work all the time from investors, and he LOVES IT! He told me he could live off of the food at work! if he were homeless.... He says just in case..
Dad Mendenhall
The lancaster Family. My dad added a leaf to our tree. He's awesome!
So there you have it. The Lancaster Thankfulness for November 2012!
I hope you were all EXTRA thankful this month!!