Tuesday, January 1, 2019

October Randoms

As you can tell I am beyond behind in my blog but I'm trying so hard to catch up so I can get this years blog book printed! SO here are October's randoms! 

We grew honey dew and cantaloupe this year in our garden and we actually had success. The kids are huge honey dew eaters so we had a few tastes of the fruit. 

June's 2018-2019 school picture! Her choker makes me so happy! 

Kate being Kate

She was my yoga buddy one afternoon. I can't ever tell her no. 

October was our Primary Program. It was the first one for Owen! He did so good. He really doesn't enjoy all the singing in primary so the idea to him of sitting up on the stage all Sacrament and singing about killed him, but once he got up there and sitting next to one of his best little friends, he became happy. 

He did so so good on his part. I was surprised honestly that he would even speak in the microphone 

And no surprise that June gave her part with such confidence 

 June's reading has taken off so amazingly! I have loved watching her bloom over the last little while and its so fun to watch her be excited about it!! 

Yoga with my little man 

I love Kate in her little foot pajamas 

We celebrated one of our gal pal's birthday with pedicures 

Dan did another half marathon called "The Colony Half". He of course crushed it! We love going and cheering him on. 


Snuggles with Kate one afternoon 

 It turned fall here and it was such a beautiful one this year! Seriously the colors were outstanding. But it also brought in the cooler temps which meant beanies and coats and Owen's soccer practice! 

Owen finished up his second season in soccer. He has really been enjoying it and we plan to keep going in the spring! 

Little Miss Sass 

When I braid June's hair at night and then let it out in the morning it gets so big. I love it! 

That's the end of October Randoms!! 

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