The last of August has been a pretty mellow and low key. A happy low key. I am really excited though, for August to be over and September to start. September means fall. It means the start of exciting festivities and another month closer to baby X coming! So as much as August has been enjoyable, I am ready for it to go.
BUT... I cannot leave August behind satisfied if I can't get all photos on the blog and properly put in their proper folders. So here is the rest of our August.
I found this kid nail polish at Walmart. And though it is nail polish, and I learned the hard way that it stains clothes, It still has been in Junes hands non-stop. It actually cleans up really really easy (other than clothes) and peels off fingers super easy. We change our toe and nail color every day. And that includes daddy's toes.
June gets her turn as well
We love getting out early in the morning before the heat hits and go to the park. Usually we leave pretty abruptly, so we go in whatever the kids are dressed in.
One afternoon, during quiet time, I hear June just going nuts in her room. She wasn't crying or angry in anyway, she was just playing with basically every toy in her room all at once. I let her be and then I realized it was really quiet. I go in to check on her and she is out cold. Her bed completely unmade and her room trashed. She played so hard she wore herself out!
Flying June's kite one afternoon. Thats about as high as we got it. I was just impressed we got it out of the ground.
One night in the pool, June and daddy doing tricks. They got pretty good at it!
A usual hangout at our local Museum.
We sadly had to say goodbye to one of our friends. Yes again. Another little friend gone and we are extremely sad. EVERYONE IS LEAVING US!
I have so many pictures in the blue truck at the museum, but the kids are just so cute in it and Owen was so happy that he had it to himself for a while.
Until June came over and took over! From Owen's face he didn't seem to mind.
Recently June has learned to spell and write her name. She has been writing it for a while with magnets and playing on her iPad, but she now writes it on paper and I am SO IN LOVE with it. It is just so cute and to watch her learn a new skill is always the greatest. She is writing so many letters now and recognizing words when we are reading. I have a feeling she will be picking up reading pretty quickly.
This does mean now though, that she writes her name on everything. She is pretty proud she can write it. So any chance she gets she writes her name.
One night the weather was cool and we stayed at the park until the sun went down. It was fun and we were out super late with the kids. It was awesome and what summer is all about!
When did they get so big?! Owen does everything June does. It makes him seem to grow up so quickly. He even now refuses to sit in his booster at the table and just sits on a regular chair. Just like June.
Brushing their teeth is nothing different. Every night I get this adorable sight of the two of them brushing away, together.
A bit blurry but he's just really really really cute and never wears pants.
I was out one night and Dan sent me this picture, June drew out whole family and I literally laughed out loud. It was so so adorable! I mean Look at Dan holding little Owen, June and I are wearing sunflower hats, and she even drew a belly on me for the baby! Dan said he laughed to when she brought it to him. It's just so cute and now is proudly hanging on our fridge.
The same night that I was out late. Daddy is pretty great.
June has taken an interest in planets and solar systems. We look at pictures of the solar system all the time and she loves pointing out the different planets. She asked if we could make a solar system one day, so a solar system we made. We worked with what we had. We first went for a walk around our neighborhood until she found a stick that she was happy with. Then we got to work! I cut out the planets and she decorated all the planets, and Pluto. Because if I don't make a point to say that Pluto is not a Planet then Dan might have a heart attack. He pretty much did when he saw that I included it. But I like Pluto and June liked how small it was so we included it. Don't worry, Dan had a good discussion with June to let her know, Pluto was a dwarf planet.
Anyways... Our solar system turned out pretty awesome for working with stuff we had around the house. June did a fantastic job decorating the planets.
And now it hangs proudly in her room.
Owen helped at first but then got bored with arts and crafts, so we got him a more intriguing activity. Q-tips in a parmesan bottle. It kept him busy for the remainder of the activity.
I took my June bug on our second annual school shopping trip. It was so great just spending time with my little lady. She has so many funny things to say and she keeps me laughing all day long. It was a great day of lunch, and shopping through the stores and letting her pick clothes for school.
We went to two different stores but in the same parking lot, So I let her ride up front with me to the other store. I drove pretty close to 5 MPH, but she was in heaven! Once we parked she asked to just hang out in the front for a while and so we did. We had the sun roof open and she was loving reaching her arms out! We probably played in the car for 20 minutes. School shopping was fun and spending one of one time with my little lady doesn't happen nearly enough. School starts tomorrow. More on that later.
Owen and his little bum in the air was just too cute to not take a picture. We think his two year molars are coming in, because he's been struggling with sleep lately, but when he does sleep he makes my heart melt.
Playing outside and being goof balls.
During quiet time June asked if she could watch a movie on our bed. June was watching "Frozen" with her "Frozen" blanket and Anna and Elsa in each arm. She thought it was pretty awesome having so many things "Frozen" while watching "Frozen". What a lady.
Like I said, August has been good, but Oh how I love this festive season about to approach. With Dan's birthday starting it off, things are about to get real real good.
What's funny is that I think I am mostly excited about changing the wreath on my front door. I have had the same one up since July and I am ready for the change, but I couldn't change it because my next wreath is Fall and I couldn't put a Fall wreath up in Summer... Obviously. Oh my gosh, I need to get a life. These are my problems people.
Happy End of August!