Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Perfect for Blogging update

It's cold, rainy, and rather unpleasant outside and I love it. Such a change of pace from our 90 degree weather that would not let up for what felt like was forever. It's nice to be able to just stay in, watch movies, do crafts, and play with my little people. Home is my absolute favorite place to be! 
This weather also calls for some blogging. I am trying to finish up with all of October pictures and move on! It's been a crazy month and I am very much looking forward to slowing down a bit and enjoy the day to day. 
Enjoy our randomness:

Trips to the park

One morning while June was in school, I came out from a store and put Owen in June's carseat without even realizing what I was doing. He was already buckled in so I left him. It was fun having him face forward and he loved it. Someday buddy!

We went shopping to get Dan some new work clothes and I walked around the corner and found June holding hands with the mannequin. it was pretty funny. 

She was getting pretty tired of shopping. We dragged her around a lot that day. 

Every Wednesday is story time at the library. We don't go every week, and June was kind of getting bored with it. Then I found out some of my friends were going to the older story time class. 3yrs-6yrs. I thought we would give that one a try and June liked it so much better. It actually kept her attention. 

Plus they do little crafts at the end of each story time. June was thrilled when she found out she was going to get to use a glue stick. 

Owen is getting stronger and stronger with standing. He is walking along things so fast, but still refuses to let go. 

Her typical morning while I'm getting ready for the day 

Ha! This little lady of mine. 

Nana sent us a package with fun little goodies in it for Halloween plus matching dinosaur pajamas. We haven't put June in footie pajamas for ever, and she loved them. Looks like we know what kind of Christmas PJ's are coming her way! 

Ranger bath time. June thought he needed toys for his bath. 

More park days 

This little boy and June played tag for a good while. He was older than her so she was always being tagged and seemed to not get away fast enough. But she didn't get frustrated and just kept on playing. 

It's a little blurry but too funny to not share. 

Cleaning toys up while Owen is around is a waste of time. The kid pulls everything out of everything.  He is already so adventurous. It's fun to watch him go explore on his own. Also a little terrifying. 

So really nothing extraordinary to report, just our simple day to day life. 

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