Friday, October 24, 2014

Owen at One

Hahaha Oh my Dear Owen, 
Let me first apologize to you for how tired you were when I took these pictures. You were beyond past your bed time and ready for a bath. So your a bit cranky in these pictures. Sorry bud. If your mother just wasn't so stubborn about posting your 1 year on the actual day then it probably wouldn't have been that big of deal... but your mom might be a little crazy. Also, just like your sister... sorry about your ghetto board. I promise that by next birthday it will be shiny and new. hahaha 

OD, Otis, Baby Owen, Bubba's, chub chubs, fat baby, 
You are one year old! HOW?!? I hate time. ok, no I love it. I love watching you grow. Learning new things, and discovering what's around you. You have such an adventurous spirit that you will thrive with life. I just know it. I see you already being so independent and wanting to learn things all on your own... as long as mom is close. 
You are a mama's boy for sure. You LOVE to be held, but held in a way that you can still look around and see whats all over the place. You squirm in my arms, but then don't want to be put down. You're a funny little man. 
Starting out at one year, you are growing like a weed and developing fantastically. You have just learned how to stand on your own, and learning those awesome little fine motor skills that melt a mothers heart... like clapping. Oh the clapping when people cheer just about does me in. Those little chubby hands coming together. LOVE IT. 
You are eating on your own very well. You LOVE bananas and bread. You also seem to have a great love for prunes. You haven't been too picky about anything yet, Knock on wood. I have slowly started taking away your bottles and introducing you to cows milk. Once we found the right sippy cups, you have done pretty well without bottles. I know, why don't you just keep your bottles?! Well, for lots of reasons, and not just personal ones either. You will thank me one day when your teeth aren't all messed up and your enduring head gear! Ya, your welcome. Plus it's just better for you. 
For now you still have about one bottle a day, but I feel by the end of the month we should be bottle free. We will see though, I won't let you starve. I promise. 
You are a blonde, BLONDE haired, blue eyed cutest little boy. Your smile just melts everyone around you. It's too contagious and that little smile puts me in a good mood no matter what. I love you Owen. Plain and simple.
 You keep me going bud. There is always something that you are after or wanting to cause some kind of trouble... obviously unintentional. It's been one heck of year with you sweetheart. You fit into our family so perfectly. It's hard to even imagine what life was like before you were here. You have made this year so fun and have made me laugh and really really made me see why I love being a mother. Owen, I love you with all my heart. I love you more than I have ever thought a person could possibly love. I love you. I love everything about you. I love what you bring into our home. I love the happiness that you and your sister bring to your dad and I. Oh how your dad loves you. 
We all love you! 
Happy Birthday little man. Thanks for always putting a smile on my face. Every day. I love you. 
Love, mom 

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