Remember how I was all about blogging and I was writing posts pretty much everyday?! Ya.... not sure what happened but it caused me to stop blogging for a bit and now I am even more behind on blogging! I hate being behind, it gives me anxiety... Oh What?!? Lesli have anxiety?!?!? SHOCKER!! hahahaha sorry, a little inside my head joke.
OK, So winter. We are beyond ready for it to leave our presence. We have had a few teasers of what happiness warm weather will bring to our souls and skin, I might add, we are all looking a little pasty white around these parts, and we are ready to welcome the sun and warm weather with open arms!!
Last week this cold weather was joined with some snow. This really isn't anything new for us here in Texas.... Though people here act all crazy when it snows, but I have lived in Texas for almost 5 years now and every year we have had at least one day of snow, so I don't really get why everyone gets so upset about it. Ha, gotta love Texas.
This year's "Snow Day" was a little sad because June was still pretty sick, but she wanted to go out and play in it so bad, so we went out for all of two seconds and that cold air hit her lungs and she couldn't stop coughing, so back inside we went. I didn't even have time to snap a picture of her in the snow. So we watched the white stuff fall from inside the warm house.
We still had a fun day. Thankfully we had some fun activities planned for the day inside so the snow didn't really stop us.
June made hearts with a toilet paper roll and paint, then we pulled out the glitter paint and made the kitchen table look very pretty. Lately when June wants to finger paint or use glitter paint or I guess any kind of paint, she calls this activity decorating. She brings me paper, or other things from her scrap bin and tells me "I want to decorate it". I have no idea where it came from, but it's adorable.
She puts the glitter paint on a paint brush and then smears it on the paper. Really she just likes putting the glitter on the paint brush so its always in big globs that usually ends up all over the table, but she loves it and it's easy enough to clean up so I just let her creative mind go.
Later that day after we were done "decorating" I put Owen down for his late afternoon nap and we decided to make Banana bread before our bananas were to mushy to use. I pretty much let June take the lead on this activity. Oh boy, the kitchen was a disaster, but she loved helping measure and pour the ingredients and watch the mixer stir it all together. ( Cracking eggs is her favorite... had to pull out about 6-7 shell pieces out of the batter....) Like I said, I let her take the lead.
Daddy got home super early since the company was worried about slick roads, so he helped us finish baking and then we enjoyed the rest of our late afternoon snuggled together watching movies and playing.
I do love snow days, and I don't mind the cold. I grew up in the cold, but January and February are such bleak months for us. There is no "winter fun" here in Texas so we all just kind of sit around waiting for it to warm up!! And we can't wait!!!
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