Friday, March 21, 2014


Dan comes home today from a business trip and I am sooooo excited!! I simply just miss him and so I thought that I would spend my time blogging about how our family is so much more awesome when we are all together. 

I can't deny the happiness I have when my whole family contributes to making dinner. June LOVES to help in the kitchen, and sometimes it can be a bit challenging... But pizza is definitely a dinner that she can help with! And help she did. 

She helped roll out the dough, spread the sauce, toppings and cheese. She was in heaven having so much to do! I feel bad sometimes that I don't give her more to do when it comes to dinner, but I am trying to get better at letting her do small things, like setting the table, or stirring. It's a work in progress when it comes to help in the kitchen.

So much awesomeness in one picture! 

and the awesomeness just keeps on continuing! I mean look at this little guy. It takes a real man to rock a pink excersaucer 

June hardly containing her excitement for the pizza to be in the oven 

June polished off any left over toppings we had. That included the pineapple and all the juice. She licked that bowl clean! 

In the end our pizza ended up, well... not so good. HA! it was a pre-bake pizza crust, but we didn't really want to pre-bake it, so we just winged it and hoped it would work out. Everything pretty much burned on top and was doughy in the middle. Next time we bake the crust. 

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